( Multi ch Richbourne Star of Night X April Gift for Crisbourne)

NIGHT, d.o.b.: 31 dicembre 2017

Femmina nera

Allevatore/ Crisbourne

Anche : A

Gomiti :0

Occhi: ok FSA, 18-09-23

NIGHT's Pedigree

ParentsGran ParentsGreat Gran ParentsGreat Great Gran Parents
Multi ch Richbourne Star of NightBerolee StarcraftSh Ch Cambremer CraftmanSh Ch Rocheby Old Smokey
Sh Ch Cambremer Call My Bluff
Sh Ch Berolee Moons Magic StarLembas To the Moon and Back
Berolee Black Magic
Richbourne Fly The FlagSh Ch Tullchmohr Final EditionMulti Ch Carpenny Walpole
Briensco Emerald At Tullochmohr
Richbourne Time FliesAroscas Time Will Tell
Lenches Graceful of Richbourne
April Gift for CrisbourneWaterline's MacaoCh Am Lubberline MartingaleHunt Club Clayview Funny Bear
Ch Hennings Mill Lubbreline
Waterline's TheaMulti Ch Rocheby Smokescreen
Fin Ch Lucky My Endless Love
Margotch Dasty of Dukeland di Casa BalducciSh Ch Rocheby Old Smokey
It Ch Dukeland Over The Top
AnyaDukeland Mastermind

NIGHT's gallery